Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Day 1 - Tuesday Evening

Dinner was great!  We had homemade pizza and salad.  Here are some pictures of the kids lining up with their cabins before dinner:


After dinner we got our camp shirts and had our first session.  We had worship led by Zach and Abby and learned our two new camp songs.  Our first teaching was on how God Created Everyone and Everything.  We talked about the ocean and as a group project we helped make an art project of the beach back drop.   Some kids painted, some added sand.  Then we had some of the cabins do their camp cheer!

After our large group time, we had small group time with our cabins to get to know each other better.  Then we met at the campfire for Counselor Hide And Seek.   Out of the 13 counselors who were hiding, the kids only found half. 

After a story around the campfire, it was off to bed…


  1. Thank you so much Jeannine! So fun to be a "fly on the wall" for my youngest's first overnight camp experience. Praying daily for all of you.
