Thursday, June 30, 2016

Day 3 - Thursday Morning

This morning before breakfast was a great time to enjoy the swing:

We started our morning session with some fun songs and continued to work on our camp songs, which we’ll be leading for the church on Sunday at the 9:00 and 11:00 Services.  We added some hand motions today. Here are some pictures from our morning session:

Our teaching this morning emphasized that Jesus Rescues and He is MY Rescue. -That all the struggles we have and sin in our life, Jesus rescues us from that, like a lifeguard rescues someone who’s drowning. After the teaching, the kids wrote down on post-it notes a few things they are struggling with right now; sins in their lives.  Then they got to come down and put them on the cross and be given a name tag that says “JESUS MY RESCUE,” so that they can know that they’re their hope is in Christ, who rescues us!  The last pictures show the cross filled up with all the post-its.


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